Yue Zhang, Eduardo Coutinho, Zixing Zhang, Caijiao Quan, and Björn Schuller. Dynamic active learning based on agreement and applied to emotion recognition in spoken interactions. In Proc. of International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), pages 275–278, Seattle, WA, November 2015. ACM.
Yue Zhang, Eduardo Coutinho, Zixing Zhang, Caijiao Quan, and Björn Schuller. Agreement-based dynamic active learning with least and medium certainty query strategy. In Proc. of Advances in Active Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice Workshop held in conjunction with the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Lille, France, July 2015. IMLS.
Yue Zhang, Eduardo Coutinho, Zixing Zhang, Michael Adam, and Björn Schuller. On rater reliability and agreement based dynamic active learning. In Proc. of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), pages 70–76, Xi’an, P. R. China, September 2015. IEEE.
George Trigeorgis, Fabien Ringeval, Raymond Brückner, Erik Marchi, Mihalis Nicolaou, Björn Schuller, and Stefanos Zafeiriou. Adieu features? end-to-end speech emotion recognition using a deep convolutional recurrent network. In Proc. of ICASSP, pages 5200– 5204, Shanghai, P. R. China, March 2016. IEEE
George Trigeorgis, Mihalis A. Nicolaou, Stefanos Zafeiriou, and Björn Schuller. Deep canonical time warping. In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pages 5110– 5118, Las Vegas, NV, June 2016. IEEE.
George Trigeorgis, Konstantinos Bousmalis, Stefanos Zafeiriou, and Björn Schuller. A deep matrix factorization method for learning attribute representations. arxiv.org, (1509.03248), September 2015. 15 pages.
Romain Sabathé, Eduardo Coutinho, and Björn Schuller. Deep recurrent music writer: Memory-enhanced variational autoencoder-based musical score composition and an objective measure. In Proc. of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pages 3467–3474, May 2017
Wenjing Han, Eduardo Coutinho, Huabin Ruan, Haifeng Li, and Björn Schuller. Semi-supervised active learning for sound classification in hybrid learning environments. PLoS ONE, 11(9):e0162075, 2016.
E Coutinho and B Schuller. Shared acoustic codes underlie emotional communication in music and speech-evidence from deep transfer learning. PLOS ONE, 12(ARTN e0179289), Jun 2017.
Eduardo Coutinho and Björn Schuller. Automatic estimation of biosignals from the human voice. Science, Special Supplement on Advances in Computational Psychophysiology, 350(6256):114:48–50, October 2015.